@Censored4sure Psst...just because YOU are unaware of something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. Note the year of the study. FFS ot's exhausting correcting you people on simple facts. Be better. https://t.co/W9KynbCg6V https://t.co/S1NLkAb4Zr
Read more here: https://t.co/VXuwoAMVs2
@YXhemile https://t.co/MSNhudND9T lese hier alles außer gibts nich
@KonikPolnyyy @xshwego @mazvrek @lewuslol Co to za farmazony? Przecież udary występują też u niemowlaków, dzieci, nastolatków i młodych dorosłych. Wiadomo, że nie są oni tak narażeni jak starsi i jest to rzadkość, ale nie jest to pierwsza i ostatnia taka s
@MQSullivan @JackPosobiec Here's from 2015 Mike. Educate yourself, don't wait until it's convenient for your agenda. https://t.co/6u0mUhSVzX
@JackPosobiec From a 2015 article, you just never cared untill it fits your agenda. 10%-15% of Stroke victims are young adults. https://t.co/6u0mUhSVzX
@hodgetwins https://t.co/T10DgpI2SQ. Strokes in young adults are reported as being uncommon, comprising 10%–15% of all stroke patients.
RT @ardeophyte: @Joekane70 @TopGyosh @DrJamesOlsson Just because the Twitter antivax brain trust doesn’t know about it doesn’t mean it’s no…
@Joekane70 @TopGyosh @DrJamesOlsson Just because the Twitter antivax brain trust doesn’t know about it doesn’t mean it’s not well known to medicine. Strokes happen at all ages, though it is rare. This antivax account highlights and amplifies the rare cas
@SuperAY0 @CryptoKhan333 @AlexBerenson @AlbertBourla Haha you are so dumb https://t.co/IQznyjcqDV
@alexmeshkin Risk: Define young people. What population percent of young people have strokes you are interested in? Economics puts the ball in normal basic blood work, BP, life style. https://t.co/YHd2Ek48gq
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
RT @afrkml: Daftar bacaan tambahan: https://t.co/zuZMuJXsDd https://t.co/gaGPqaYtOm https://t.co/x65W5q2uMi https://t.co/3ALIbKwYpc ht…
@khanyizama @MamaThatoy “Strokes in young adults are reported as being uncommon, comprising 10%–15% of all stroke patients.” https://t.co/nvRksaoIz2
@albinowitz @thereal_truther Both happen in young people... https://t.co/R1WxzjzpfF https://t.co/bfNGxI5hEf https://t.co/msBqec9JhH https://t.co/uZEtorxjjQ
@lalani_safina @DrP_MD Yet, the timing is profoundly appalling and despicable. Numbers exists. We'll see in a year or two if covaxx & covid have raised the rate of strokes among the young. https://t.co/fT96VDRg8K
RT @ukstrokenursing: The 19th August Fact: Cardioembolic stroke accounts for up to one third of ischaemic strokes in young adults. Source:…
RT @ukstrokenursing: The 19th August Fact: Cardioembolic stroke accounts for up to one third of ischaemic strokes in young adults. Source:…
RT @ukstrokenursing: The 19th August Fact: Cardioembolic stroke accounts for up to one third of ischaemic strokes in young adults. Source:…
The 19th August Fact: Cardioembolic stroke accounts for up to one third of ischaemic strokes in young adults. Source: Smajlovic, D (2015) https://t.co/1J0P9qcF3l
@tennesseebandit @Nick_is_Now It's rare but still happens, dude. https://t.co/9HZ1in2XyO
Strokes in young adults: epidemiology and prevention https://t.co/d9mMJCDUZd Can PTs help reduce this risk by helping screen young Adults? We are direct access practitioners. Should we test BP? https://t.co/M3TPrf5Phf
RT @carlaperez21: Principal causes of ischaemic stroke in young adults. @MedInternaHUN @ederhernandezmd https://t.co/mLBHWekUSD https://t.c…