Study (abs): Instruments to assess patient satisfaction after teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review http://t.co/7iJ98NLEYM
Study (abs): Instruments to assess patient satisfaction after teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review http://t.co/7iJ98NLEYM
Study (abs): Instruments to assess patient satisfaction after teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review http://t.co/7iJ98NLEYM
Instruments to assess #PatientSatisfaction after #teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review: http://t.co/mwxDljxDyQ
Check out this study by the Dovepress Journal on patient satisfaction #qualityimprovement #betterHIVcare http://t.co/MTvTSzRnmu
Instruments to assess patient satisfaction after teleconsultation and triage: a systematic review http://t.co/U36Qd2hyKj